
Where to buy Cisco WS-X6724-SFP

Where to buy Cisco WS-X6724-SFP, more lower price and original product?
WS-X6724-SFP : Fabric-Enabled 24-Port SFP-Based Gigabit Ethernet Module. The list price is US$15,000.00.
Distributors, like Ingram Micro, Comstor, Tech Data, Redington etc, different countries different distributors, also different price related to your region, partner level and project level, normally around 30%~60% off GPL;

The price comparison:
1 http://www.hardware.com/products/cisco/WS-X6724-SFP%3d 6342.34 USD, 32% off, more professional but price too too expensive;

2 http://www.servermonkey.com/cisco-ws-x6724-sfp.html 4999.99 USDas can see from their description, also the list price is not correct. But they are the shop of US, if you are located in US, maybe you can try, otherwise better find a professional networking supplier.

3 http://www.amazon.com/Cisco-WS-X6724-SFP-Catalyst-24-Port-Ethernet/dp/B00018BCTE3849 USD, good price but frankly speaking Amazon is not professional in Cisco products at all, and mary products maybe not the original ones.

4 according to our research on WS-X6724-SFP Price, best price is from, http://www.3anetwork.com/cisco-ws-x6724-sfp-price_p1291.html, 5248 USD, 65% off, but they are based in Hong Kong, so may take 3 days to reach your country.
The similar products: WS-X4624-SFP-E, WS-X4648-RJ45-E, WS-X4648-RJ45V+E, more discount news visit 3anetwork.com.

